Όσο ζούμε μαθαίνουμε,Διδάσκουμε και Διδασκόμαστε!


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Όσο ζούμε μαθαίνουμε,Διδάσκουμε και Διδασκόμαστε!
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Mathematical modelling and deterministic processes.

Laplace who was a great mathematician believed that everything in universe is predictable. 

The other day in class we talked about mathematical modelling which is the process of describing natural processes by mathematical equations. In most of the cases these equations are based on physical laws. 

General relativity for example, which is our current theory of gravity, can be expressed by to one short equation. According to this model:
Everything from how an apple falls to the earth, to how the moon orbits the earth, how
all the planets orbit the sun, how the sun orbits a supermassive blackhole at the center
of our galaxy, how blackholes form and behave, and how the whole universe expands out from the Big Bang. Now that we have this theory, the future is more predictable. I mean, we

can well  predict eclipses thousands of years into the future. 

It seems like everything that happens in universe is a deterministic process which means that given the initial state the outcome is always the same, predictable since we now the rules of the game.
Next : what in maths is the meaning of chaos?

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